Discover Your Forest – $5,000
Phil’s Trailhead CXT Restroom Mural:
Discover Your Forest (DYF) will implement a creative solution to ongoing vandalism on public lands managed by the Forest Service. In cooperation with Deschutes National Forest Service, DYF will
coordinate the design and application of a mural on the CXT at Phil’s Trailhead. This has been identified as a priority site as one of the most popular mountain biking trailheads in the Pacific Northwest.

Dirty Freehub – $5,000
Gravel Rides for Adaptive Athletes :
This project will support Oregon Adaptive Sports (OAS) in its newly formed Community Gravel Rides project.
For this project, they will deliver 4 to 6 fully documented ride guides that meet the requirements and needs of OAS and meet All Access criteria. Further, we will build out a collection page of these rides specifically for OAS on the Dirty Freehub Website. This will increase the OAS rideable trail by 100 to 150 miles.

COTA – $4,500
COTA Sawyer Program :
This will establish a reimbursement program to defray some of the costs borne by COTA’s volunteer sawyers, creating a more equitable opportunity to be a sawyer. It will also help COTA stand up and run a Nationally Recognized Saw Training Curriculum (NRSTC) program, providing more sawyer training opportunities for COTA, DTC partners, and the public.

Friends of Central Cascades Wilderness – $882
First Aid and CPR Training :
This project will arrange Backcountry First Aid/CPR training for 30 volunteer sawyers from DTC
Partners that use crosscut saws or chainsaws to maintain recreation areas in the Deschutes
National Forest. FA/CPR certification is required for all sawyers by the Forest Service. This program will provide Free FA/CPR training for all sawyers.

Meissner Nordic – $2,024
Support public transit pilot:
With support from CET and CONC for this pilot program, the short term objective is to provide public transit access to Meissner and Swampy Sno-Parks:
- Providing transportation for skiers who don’t have private vehicles.
- Providing transportation for skiers who have private vehicles but don’t want to drive
themselves due to weather conditions or overcrowded Sno-Park parking lots. - Assessing the amount of interest in public transit to Sno-Parks on the Cascade Lakes

US Forest Service – $4,656
Sign Improvement:
This project will fund graphic design and installation for several new trail signs. Such as specifically targeted designed use bike trails and bike trail passing etiquette, a sign to identify unauthorized trails and discourage use by providing messaging on the applicable resource concerns and updated travel management signs for approximately 20 locations.